Near death experience...the dreaded first 5k

I cant say it was pretty but I finished the 5k....and I am hot, and tired and my left knee is killing me. So many more hills than I anticipated. I guess she really didn't do a great job describing the course but my fault for not checking it out in person....oh well, live and learn...don't ask about time because I really have no wasn't posted and I'm sure it's pitiful....again I really am just glad I finished....and yay I wasn't last...nothing against the person that was last I just didn't want it to be me....I was actually just proud of the people that were out there doing it...better than nothing...and now I have my first medal and bib....yippee..!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh.. hills suck. But congrats on completing it!! :)

    I read an article in Runner's World a few months ago by a contributor who talked about finishing dead last in his first race. I'm fairly certain it was written by John "The Penguin" Bingham. I wish I could find the was really good because the man's now famous for his running advice.

    Anyway, his website is pretty cool. I found that :)
